
The OpenStudio-ERI workflow is cross-platform and can be used in web or desktop applications.

Web Applications

Using the OpenStudio-ERI workflow in a web application is very straightforward.

First, OpenStudio must be available. Web applications may wish to use the nrel/openstudio docker image. Alternatively, the OpenStudio installer can be executed on the web server – only the EnergyPlus and Command Line Interface (CLI) components are required.

Finally the OpenStudio-ERI repo can be cloned, using the latest release.

Desktop Applications

The OpenStudio-ERI workflow can also be packaged into a third-party software installer for distribution to desktop users.

First, OpenStudio must be bundled – only the EnergyPlus and Command Line Interface (CLI) components are required. Either the OpenStudio setup file can be automatically run as part of your install, or the OpenStudio application can be installed to a local computer and its contents can be re-bundled in your installer (there are no external dependencies required). The only required OpenStudio contents are the openstudio/bin and openstudio/EnergyPlus directories.

Second, the OpenStudio-ERI repo files from the latest release need to be bundled. If you want to slim down the installation package, the minimum required files from the OpenStudio-ERI repo are:

  • measures/*/resources/*.*
  • measures/*/measure.*
  • measures/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/hpxml_schema/*.*
  • weather/*.*
  • workflow/*.rb